Wheels UP! Accessible US Travel Guide - Cure Medical

In this book, you’ll discover a state-by-state directory of accessible travel destinations across the United States as well as pictures and perspectives from people who are exploring their world on wheels.

Each chapter of this book provides easily-accessible destinations that are fun and engaging for friends who use wheelchairs.wheels up accessible travel guide for us wheelchairsSee all of the photos of people Enjoying Life on wheels from our 2018 Photo Contest at: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CureNation/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2246424442094983

This updated travel guide is an easy, encouraging read that will help you explore all kinds of travel destinations and family fun spots, whether you are new to using a wheelchair or a seasoned pro.

Please note that not every state in the US is featured in this travel guide, just the ones that we have included in our Wheels UP! program to date.  Download your copy using the button below.Accessible Travel Guide LinkOur key partners for the Wheels UP! Accessible US Travel Guide program are:

  • SPORTS ‘N SPOKES Magazine
  • Cure Medical, an intermittent catheter manufacturer
  • The Abilities Expo

Download your free copy of the Wheels UP! Accessible US Travel Guide here.