Nancy Sisson resides in the San Fernando Valley of California and is a long-time advocate for natural products. She believes it’s important to reduce the toxins we’re putting into our bodies and shares why she’s a big fan of Cure Catheters that are not made with known-carcinogen DEHP, BPA or natural rubber latex.

Cure advocate Nancy Sisson
Around the time she was finishing law school, Nancy Sisson was faced with an illness that would impact her life in many ways. It was 1990 when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus, a common form of lupus affecting multiple parts of the body. Nancy’s first major symptom was developing a neurogenic bladder that caused her to use catheters. Within a year, she was facing kidney failure too.
At 30, Nancy was in end-stage renal disease and had to begin hemodialysis. when the kidneys fail, it causes toxins to build up in the body along with excess fluid. Hemodialysis is a therapy that filters that waste, removes extra fluid and balances electrolytes. (source)
Nancy Receives an Unexpected Blessing
At the time she was diagnosed with lupus, Nancy already had one daughter. Due to the nature of the disease and the treatments she required, including chemotherapy, another baby didn’t seem possible. However, about four years into her treatment, as she continued to await a kidney transplant, something unexpected happened.
“I was blessed with a miracle baby,” Nancy shares. “At that point, I was doing hemodialysis seven days a week. When we found out I was pregnant, the doctors gave my daughter less than a 5% chance to survive the first trimester. Well, she went almost full-term and was born about three weeks early at 5 lb., 4 oz., breathing on her own – not even on a machine. She’s in her early 20s now and enjoys acting and modeling.”
Nancy says her second blessing came when she received the transplant, about five years later. At that point, she had been on hemodialysis for nearly a decade. She had beaten the odds and was on her way to “living a normal life,” she recalls. Little did she know, her health challenges – and scares – weren’t quite over.
Feeling the Effects of a Vulnerable Immune System
“I was so eager to go out and live life after my transplant, that I went on an international trip. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize how weak my immune system was and I got really sick,” Nancy recalls. She was diagnosed with legionnaire’s disease, a severe form of pneumonia and, without the proper defenses, the infection began to attack her body.
Like her daughter in her womb years earlier, Nancy was given only a 5% chance to live. But, again, she beat the odds.
After a month on life support, a month in intensive care and a couple months in rehab learning to walk again, Nancy experienced another miraculous recovery.
Nancy is 58 years old today and feels great most of the time, which she attributes to her healthy lifestyle. She enjoys spending time with her daughters, Rachel and Shauna, and staying as active as possible. “I love taking walks,” Nancy adds.
Nancy Believes in Reducing Exposure to Toxins Whenever Possible
Due to the fact that many people with disabilities and health conditions have compromised immune systems and neuropathy, toxins and foreign chemicals can be more dangerous than for the average person. Nancy believes that we give our bodies the best shot when we reduce the toxic load, and doing so has made a positive impact on her well-being.
“One big part of how I believe I’ve survived so long,” Nancy reflects, “is that I understand that when someone is living with health challenges, it’s extremely important that we pay attention to what we put in our bodies.”
“This obviously includes the food and drinks we consume, but it also includes chemicals in medical products we use.”
Why Nancy Sisson Chooses a Cure Catheter
Nancy has been using catheters full-time since shortly after her original diagnosis. She says she used many other brands over the years and never found the product that was right for her.
She discovered Cure Catheters six years ago when she also learned that the catheters she had been previously using were made with DEHP, and she immediately made the switch to a Cure product.“I’m so grateful that Cure catheters are not made with DEHP, which has been proven to be a carcinogen. People like me don’t need any additional harmful toxins going into our body. I just don’t know what I would do without Cure as my catheter of choice,” she explains.
Learn more about the risks of DEHP here.
To request free samples of the Cure Catheter® or any Cure Medical catheter, contact your local distributor of quality healthcare products, or click here.
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